The body maintains three interdependent receptor systems that are responsible for gathering information to help us better navigate our environment. These receptor systems are the proprioceptors (within the joints to give feedback about body position); interoceptors (relating information about our internal environment, organs for example); and exteroceptors (relating to us information about our external environment). The soles of the feet are stock-full of these exteroceptors.
Read MoreIt turns out the body has a pretty effective and attuned osmoregulatory system that maintains balance through mechanisms like thirst response and hormone secretion, such as antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which decreases renal fluid excretion. It is hard to imagine that evolution left us with a chronic water deficit so that we need to compensate by forcing fluid intake.
Read MoreMotor learning encompasses a wide range of phenomena, ranging from relatively low‐level mechanisms for maintaining calibration of our movements, to making high‐level cognitive decisions about how to act in a novel situation.
Read MoreCurrently, my entire clinical and research team are working on trying to make sense of the SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 pandemic. We’re constantly in contact with leading experts and doctors working on this issue around the world, and our goal is to distill this information quickly and accurately for you.
Read MoreNeuromodulation is a physiological process which consists of the alteration of neuronal and synaptic properties by neurons or substances released by neurons [1].
This will share some insight into electrostimulation, at the very least. And at best will enlighten you as to the value of synapse fire.
Read MoreThe brain has a direct effect on the stomach and intestines. For example, the very thought of eating can release the stomach's juices before food gets there. This connection goes both ways. A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut.
Read MoreViruses look for a specific receptor in the organism and dock at this cell receptor (door opener), so that they can enter the cell (where they reproduce). Coronaviruses, like MERS or SARS, use only the ACE-2 receptor of the cell surface. This opens their door. ACE-2 is the enzyme that should inactivate angiotensin 2, which raises blood pressure. An important metabolic pathway in blood pressure regulation.
Read MoreThe diaphragm, being a centrally located muscle, when it becomes facilitated, its effects can be felt throughout the entire body. There are many reasons why the diaphragm becomes facilitated. One of these is emotional stress which causes the diaphragm to contract. Another is poor breathing habits. This results in chest breathing with the scalenes,serratus posterior inferior, quadratus lumborum, and the intercostals becoming overburdened.
Read MoreIn each of our cells are small energy generators called mitochondria. The health of our mitochondria determines the amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) they can produce from the calories we eat and oxygen we consume. Without robust mitochondria, cells cannot do as much work as they’re capable of and we need them to do so we can stay healthy.
Read MoreThis report searched for relationships between physical performance and other health indices through a detailed investigation of a randomly sampled cohort from a basic town resident registry. Residents between the age of 50 and 89 years were randomly sampled from the basic resident registry of a cooperating town for construction of a 415-participant cohort that minimized selection bias. Cognitive function measures, annual fall frequency, and SF-8 as an HRQOL measure were the outcomes of interest.
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The body maintains three interdependent receptor systems that are responsible for gathering information to help us better navigate our environment. These receptor systems are the proprioceptors (within the joints to give feedback about body position); interoceptors (relating information about our internal environment, organs for example); and exteroceptors (relating to us information about our external environment). The soles of the feet are stock-full of these exteroceptors.